Sep 29 – 30, 2022
Argonne National Laboratory
America/Chicago timezone


Onsite Lodging

A block of rooms have been reserved at the Argonne Guest House, please make your reservation directly with the Guest House at  The cut off for reservations is September 21, 2022.


Additional Information

  • The room rate is $114.00 per night plus tax (includes a continental breakfast). 
  • To reserve a room on the Guest House website, click the Request Reservation at the top right of the main screen.  Input the group booking code "IXPUG" in the Group Name box on the reservation request form.
  • Cancellation policy, 6:00 pm central on the day of arrival.

Continental Breakfast is served weekday from 7:00 am - 9:00 am.

If arriving by uber or American taxi, use the Guest House address (9700 S Cass Ave. Building 460 Lemont, IL 60439) as your final destination address.

The IXPUG organizers suggest car pooling from the Guest House to the meeting scheduled in Building 240/Conference Room 1501.  It's approximately a 10 minute drive.



If you have any trouble making reservations, please contact Kathy Gorgan, CELS SS Division.

Business Phone:  630-252-8054