Onsite Lodging
A block of rooms have been reserved at the Argonne Guest House, please make your reservation directly with the Guest House at . The cut off for reservations is September 21, 2022.
Additional Information
Continental Breakfast is served weekday from 7:00 am - 9:00 am.
If arriving by uber or American taxi, use the Guest House address (9700 S Cass Ave. Building 460 Lemont, IL 60439) as your final destination address.
The IXPUG organizers suggest car pooling from the Guest House to the meeting scheduled in Building 240/Conference Room 1501. It's approximately a 10 minute drive.
If you have any trouble making reservations, please contact Kathy Gorgan, CELS SS Division.
Email: kgorgan@anl.gov
Business Phone: 630-252-8054