October 27, 2023
Argonne Office in DC
America/New_York timezone

Invitation-only - 1-day mini-symposium


The National Biodefense Strategy (NBS) and the recently released Implementation Plan for the NBS specifically call out the goal of rapidly making and deploying safe and effective vaccines and agile therapeutics against any pathogen family, in timescales and at quantities necessary to contain and control a potential nationally or internationally significant biological incident. However, in an enduring challenge in achieving this objective (as exemplified in the COVID pandemic), mutable pathogens with epidemic or pandemic potential often surpass even the current accelerated pace of development of medical countermeasures. There is, hence, a pressing need to proactively anticipate and prepare for short-term adaptive evolution of these pathogens.  The primary goal is to inform and facilitate the development of long-lasting countermeasures that can effectively keep pace with the evolving pathogen.  


The objective of this small-group symposium is to acquire insights into current state-of-the art technology and methodology in predicting viral adaptation. In addition, the symposium seeks to foster discussions surrounding research challenges and opportunities driven by advanced technologies such as Machine Learning and Deep Mutational Scanning, among others. The group will also discuss the need for integrated computational-experimental teams to enable transformative real-world solutions. This mini symposium is organized by Argonne and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories.   


Please note that this event is by invitation only and we respectfully ask you not to share or forward this invitation. Should you have suggestions on alternates or additions, please contact the meeting POCs Shankar Sundaram ([email protected]) or Arvind Ramanathan ([email protected] 

Argonne Office in DC
955 L’Enfant Plaza SW, Suite 6000, Room B15, Washington, DC, 20024
Registration for this event is currently open.