Devin Hodge Bench Dedication and Award Ceremony
Date: Friday, May 16, 2025
Time: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Location: Argonne National Laboratory, Basketball Courts - 600 Area
Back-up Location (inclement weather): Building 362 Auditorium
2:00 - 2:05 |
Welcome and Opening Remarks Mike Dunn, Deputy COO/Quality, Work Planning and Analysis |
2:06 - 2:10 |
Career and Legacy Mike Papka, Deputy Associate Laboratory Director, CLS |
2:11 - 2:25 |
Shared Memories
2:26 - 2:35 |
Dedication Paul Kearns, Laboratory Director |
2:36 - 2:43 |
Award Presentation Mike Dunn |
2:44 - 2:45 |
Ribbon Cutting
2:45 - 3:00 | Basketball Free Throws |
3:00 | Event Conclusion |
Registration for this event is currently open.