The ALCF Hands-on HPC Workshop will provide an opportunity for hands-on time on Polaris and AI Testbeds focusing on porting applications to heterogeneous architectures (CPU + GPU), improving code performance, and exploring AI/ML applications available on ALCF systems.
Your participation is not confirmed until you receive an acceptance email from ALCF staff. There is no cost to participate in this workshop, however attendees are responsible for cost of lodging and transportation.
After applying, proceed immediately to Step 2. Do not wait for activation of your ALCF account.
The following restrictions apply to foreign nationals:
- Foreign nationals from countries that appear on a restricted foreign country listing in section 15 CFR 740.7 License Exceptions for Computers (namely, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan and Syria) require a very lengthy approval process for access to DOE supercomputers, which will not complete in time for the workshop. Therefore, citizens of these countries are not eligible to apply for participation.
- Foreign nationals from countries other than those listed above will need a valid passport, visa, and supporting documents with an expiration date beyond the end of the training program. Department of Energy policy now require a CV/resume including educational and employment history.