Recent work has shown the promise of applying deep learning to enhance software processing of radio frequency (RF) signals. In parallel, hardware developments with quantum RF sensors based on Rydberg atoms are breaking longstanding barriers in frequency range, resolution, and sensitivity. In this talk, we describe our implementations of quantum-ready machine learning approaches for RF signal classification. Our primary objective is latency: while deep learning offers a more powerful computational paradigm, it also traditionally incurs latency overheads that hinder wider scale deployment. Our work spans three axes. (1) A novel continuous wavelet transform (CWT) based recurrent neural network (RNN) architecture that enables flexible online analysis of RF signals on-the-fly with reduced sampling time. (2) Low-latency inference techniques for both GPU and CPU that span over 100x reductions in inference time, enabling real-time operation with sub-millisecond inference. (3) Quantum-readiness validated through application of our models to physics-based simulation of Rydberg atom QRF sensors. Altogether, our work bridges towards next-generation RF sensors that use quantum technology to surpass previous physical limits, paired with latency-optimized AI/ML software that is suitable for real-time deployment.