October 28, 2020
America/Chicago timezone

Towards Interactive High Performance Computing with ALCF JupyterHub


Jupyter Notebook is a browser-based tool that has gained a lot of popularity thanks to its support for a variety of workflows and languages. From basic interactive computing to complex data analysis and visualization, Jupyter notebooks can be helpful in every step of a computational campaign. JupyterHub has emerged as a very useful platform to serve Jupyter Notebooks for multiple users. Various high-performance computing centers provide this service including the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF). In this webinar, we will go through effective usage of the ALCF's JupyterHub, how to submit and monitor jobs, and perform subsequent data analysis and visualisation without any data transfer.


Murat Keçeli is an assistant computational scientist at Argonne National Laboratory. He is interested in accelerating molecular simulations using high performance computing and machine learning. He is also an enthusiast of user-friendly tools for scientific computing. He received BS and MS degrees in physics from Bilkent University and a PhD degree in chemical physics from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.