Apr 13 – 14, 2023
Argonne National Laboratory
America/Chicago timezone



Theory and Computing Sciences (TCS) Building 240, Conference Center, Rm 1416

An article about the event
Photos taken at the event

Photos of Rusty played as a slideshow at the event

Thursday, April 13, 2023

12:15 PM       Registration / check-in (lunch not provided)

1:00 PM         Opening Remarks (slides)
                        Paul Messina, Rick Stevens, Rajeev Thakur

1:15 PM          Rusty’s work in automated reasoning and theorem proving
                        Michael McRobbie, Ross Overbeek, Rick Stevens
(Slides/Notes: McRobbie, Stevens)

1:45 PM          Roundtable: ACRF and the beginnings of parallel computing research at Argonne
                        Jack Dongarra, Barb Helland, Paul Messina, Rick Stevens
(Slides: Messina, Dongarra, Stevens)

3:00 PM          Break

3:30 PM          Message Passing Libraries and the beginnings of MPI (slides)
                        Bill Gropp, Marc Snir

4:00 PM          Exascale: A User's Perspective (slides)
                        Paul Fischer

4:30 PM          Panel on Reasons for MPI’s success and lessons for the future
                        Chair: Bill Gropp
                        Panelists: Barbara Chapman, Lois McInnes, Tony Skjellum, Bob Wisniewski

5:30 PM          Adjourn

6:00 PM          Reception and Dinner with open mic (Chair: Rick Stevens)
                        Argonne Guest House Restaurant


Friday, April 14, 2023

7:15 AM          Continental Breakfast

8:00 AM          Nuclei on Supercomputers with Asynchronous Dynamic Load Balancing (slides)
                         Alessandro Lovato, Stefan Wild

8:30 AM          The current and future role of MPI in AI (slides)
                         Torsten Hoefler

9:00 AM          3 Ps of Programming Models: Performance, Parallelism, and Productivity (slides)
                         Kathy Yelick

9:30 AM          Programming the Computing Continuum (slides)
                         Ian Foster

10:00 AM        Break

10:30 AM        Growing up at Argonne (slides)
                         Jack Dongarra

11:00 AM        Panel on Runtime and System Software for future extreme-scale systems
Chair: Pete Beckman
                         Panelists: Anshu Dubey, Mary Hall, Satoshi Matsuoka, Jeff Vetter

12:00 PM         Working Lunch
                         Discussion on the future of large-scale high-performance computing

1:00 PM           Summing up Rusty’s impact on the field (slides)
                         Paul Messina

2:00 PM           Adjourn