This symposium is being held in honor of Rusty Lusk. Rusty had a long and distinguished career at Argonne with many impactful contributions to the field of computer science and high-performance computing. The symposium will bring together friends, colleagues, and collaborators of Rusty to celebrate his life and career and explore future directions for our field.
The event will be held in the Theory and Computing Sciences (TCS) Building 240, Conference Center, Room 1416.
Sponsors: HPE, Cerebras, Samsung, Narayan Desai, Rob Schreiber, University of Chicago (Globus Project), Northwestern-Argonne Institute of Science and Engineering (NAISE)
Organizing Committee:
Pete Beckman, ANL Mike Papka, ANL
Barbara Chapman, HPE Rob Ross, ANL
Jack Dongarra, UTK Rick Stevens, ANL
Ian Foster, ANL Valerie Taylor, ANL
Bill Gropp, UIUC Rajeev Thakur (Chair), ANL
Paul Hovland, ANL Stefan Wild, LBNL
Paul Messina, ANL
Local Arrangements: Kathy Gorgan, Darlyn Lutes, Janet Werner (ANL)
Financial Arrangements: Silvia Mulligan, Darin Wills (ANL)
Registration Steps:
Register for the Symposium using the "Register Now" button located at the bottom of this page.
If attending in person, please also complete the Argonne Visitor Registration Form (link on left panel) to receive a gate pass to access Argonne National Laboratory. The Argonne Visitor Registration is separate from the Symposium Registration and must be completed to receive a gate pass for onsite access (even if you have an HSPD-12 badge from another lab).