Intro to AI-driven Science on Supercomputers: A Student Training Series

Sept. 20 - Nov. 8, 2022 (Virtual Training Series)

Sept. 20 - Nov. 8, 2022

Virtual Training Series


The ability for artificial intelligence (AI) to successfully learn from large datasets has transformed science and engineering as we know it. AI can accelerate scientific discovery and innovation, but often requires more computing power than is available to most researchers. The DOE provides supercomputers to solve the nation’s biggest scientific challenges and this series aims to introduce a new generation of AI practitioners to these powerful resources.

Building on the ALCF's robust training program in the areas of AI and supercomputing, we are hosting a series of hands-on courses that will teach attendees to use leading-edge supercomputers to develop and apply AI solutions for the world's most challenging problems.


ALCF AI for Science Training Series 


The virtual workshop series will take place Tuesdays from 3pm - 5pm CT, Sept. 20 - Nov. 8, 2022.

Friday September 16, 2022

Intro to AI-driven Science on Supercomputers Support