Beams & Applications Seminar

B&A Seminars

Phase Space Reconstruction of CSR-affected Beams

by Juan Pablo Gonzalez Aguilera (University of Chicago)


Abstract: Coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) is a limiting effect in linear accelerators with dispersive elements due to its contribution to projected transverse emittance growth. This effect becomes a limitation for highly compressed beams. Even though CSR-induced projected emittance growth has been widely studied, conventional measurement techniques are not detailed enough to resolve the multi-dimensional structure of the beam, namely the different rotations of transverse phase space slices throughout the longitudinal coordinate. In this work, we use a state-of-the-art method to reconstruct the phase space of a beam affected by CSR at the Argonne Wakefield Accelerator Facility. This detailed, efficient, and multi-dimensional phase space reconstruction method enables better understanding of the CSR effects in a double dogleg where shielding is limited.