Feb 11 – 13, 2025
TCS Conference Center
America/Chicago timezone

Towards the development of a Digital Twin of the European Energy Infrastructure

Feb 11, 2025, 2:00 PM
Room 1416 (TCS Conference Center)

Room 1416

TCS Conference Center

Argonne National Laboratory 9700 S. Cass Avenue Building 240, TCS Conference Center (north. entrance) Lemont, IL 60439 +1-630-252-2000


Antonello Monti (Fraunhofer FIT and RWTH Aachen University)


Digital Twin is emerging as a key technology supporting and improving grid planning and operation. While different interpretation for the definition of a digital twin can be found in literature, there is an urgent need to come to common understanding and interoperable implementations. The presentation focuses on the current status and ongoing development in the European context. While it is not thinkable to have a single solution for all the grid operators in Europe, it is important to define common elements making the different implementations interoperable. The TwinEU project, with the involvement of more than 70 partners, is working towards the definition of a common architecture and interoperable solutions for data exchange. The element of data exchange is particularly relevant and critical. In this context the adoption of a data space approach will be presented as a key enabler to bring models from different operators together.

Presentation materials