August 21, 2024
America/Chicago timezone

Join us on August 21, 2024, for a webinar covering chipStar, a HIP implementation for Aurora.ALCF’s Brice Videau will present chipStar, Argonne’s implementation of HIP, and an experimental implementation of CUDA for Intel GPUs.

chipStar architecture is based on the LLVM tool-chain targeting both OpenCL and Intel's Level Zero. In this webinar, we will discuss chipStar capabilities and limitations, instructions on how to build and run HIP with examples, and CUDA codes with chipStar on Aurora and Sunspot.

Brice Videau is a computer scientist at Argonne National Laboratory working on HPC-related topics such as heterogeneous platform programming and auto-tuning. He is also co-leading the Performance Engineering team at the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility.


Virtual meeting information to follow
Registration for this event is currently open.