Christopher Knight
(Argonne National Laboratory),
Timothy Williams
(Argonne National Laboratory)
8/27/24, 10:00 AM
Christopher Knight
Kalyan Kumaran
Taylor Childers
8/27/24, 11:30 AM
Jini Ramprakash,
Kevin Harms
Taylor Childers, Mr
Ti Leggett
8/27/24, 12:15 PM
After hearing the presented materials, the review panel should ask questions that arose to the ALCF-4 Project Team.
Nicholas Wright
8/27/24, 12:30 PM
The Review Committee can take time to discuss in private session any issues or concerns that they have for the ALCF-4 team to discuss. Meanwhile the ALCF-4 team & staff can work together to answer questions that were posed in the previous session by the review committee.
Nicholas Wright
8/28/24, 8:30 AM
Can be with or without ALCF-4 Team. This should be decided the day before.
Nicholas Wright
8/28/24, 10:00 AM