Cerebras AI Training Workshop

Murali Emani (LCF), Venkatram Vishwanath (LCF)

This ALCF AI testbed training event will introduce users to the Cerebras CS-2 system architecture and software stack. It will provide hands-on training to get started on the system in the ALCF AI testbed. The event will be virtual.

Day 1 will focus on Cerebras hardware and software architecture.

Day 2 will focus on porting applications to the Cerebras system and best practices.

We will record the sessions and make them available. The presentation slides are
at https://anl.box.com/s/d5ehvo1k1qh9uw5scci8u09x9qxhkqkc.

For hands-on exercises on the CS2 system, please apply for an ALCF account at https://accounts.alcf.anl.gov/home

If you have an account, please ask to join the cs2_training project

If you don't have an account, please apply for one by specifying:
Sponsor: Venkatram Vishwanath ([email protected])
Project: cs2_training

  • Tuesday, August 9
    • 1
      Intro: How to run FC-MNIST on CS-2?
    • 2
      Hardware What is the CS-2?
    • 1:15 PM
    • 3
      Model support in CS systems
    • 4
      How to use CS-2 @ ALCF
    • 1:50 PM
    • 5
      Software stack: Compilation and execution modes
    • 2:55 PM
    • 6
      Porting your application in PyTorch
    • 7
  • Wednesday, August 10
    • 8
      Porting your application in TF
    • 1:15 PM
    • 9
      Leveraging Cerebras Reference Implementations
    • 2:05 PM
    • 10
      Boosting performance of applications with CS-2
    • 3:10 PM
    • 11
      Use cases
    • 12